How to Cleanse a Mala?

How to Cleanse a Mala?

You can cleanse your Mala whenever you feel the need to. Overtime they can accumulate negative energy, making it essential to cleanse them regularly. Cleansing your Mala beads can revitalize their energy and deepen your spiritual practice. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to cleanse your prayer Mala beads:

Moonlight Bath: You simply just have to place your Mala under the full moon overnight. Ensure they are in a safe and clean space. 

Smudging: You can use any sacred herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar. This is the traditional method of cleansing any spiritual items. You light the smudge stick and pass the Mala beads through the smoke several times while setting the intention for purification. You can visualize the negativity leaving Mala. 

Cleansing Crystal: You can put the Selenite crystal with your Mala and set the intention to cleanse them. Selenite is a crystal made of salt compound used for purifying the cleansing. 

Sound Bath: Vibration from bells or singing bowls can cleanse and energize Malas. Place the Mala near the bell or the singing bowl and allow the sound to permeate them for a few minutes. 

Incorporate these cleansing routines into your practice and experience the renewed energy. 

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